PROGRESS AD with a new self-financed project

PROGRESS AD started work on the project "Improving the working environment, working conditions and the organization of the production process"

As the first stage of the project, a survey was made of the attitudes of the company's employees on basic issues of job satisfaction, their opinion on the organization of the production process and on social policy issues.

The survey was carried out in an extremely short period of time by the company's team in the "Human Resources" department and with the assistance of professionals in this type of survey.

In an atmosphere of responsibility and high activity in reflecting their points of view, employed workers and employees shared their opinions in writing in a specially developed form, grouped during the analyzes into 278 types of answers and 25 categories. They cover all important aspects of the work environment, work organization, social benefits, team relations. The data also contains numerous specific proposals, on each of which the company's management is committed to systematic work.
